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Thursday, November 29, 2012

When will I get time to work on my dream?!?!?

     Well, it's been a good year for me.  New job, baby, busy family stuff, etc.  The only thing that does suck is the fact that I'm a little older, and being able to stay up late at night to work on hobbies, etc. (FYI - I quit night school for now) has been a rather challenging task.  I'll plan out what I want to do with the arcade some evening, and once everything has been done with taking care of the honey-do's etc. I'm shot and have to go to bed.  Frustrating.

     There's things to do that I already have the material for: finishing up the Horizons Cab, as well as finishing up the front-end menu system for it.  There's work to be done on the space mural, wiring up the black lights in the ceiling, etc. to run from a remote control, and I even have a couple more machines that can be set up with MAME for future cabs.  Also of note is that technically I can get started on the iTunes music kiosk for the arcade as well.  And then there's the arcade fish tank that still needs to be cleaned and painted . . . lot's of things I could work on right now,  if I could get off my tired butt at night and just do it.

     Hopefully I can get some energy and motivation this next month and make things happen.  I'm such a slacker - Geez!!

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